Wednesday, November 24, 2010


There's something magical about snow.

I have been around snow for years and I was thinking just now that I have no explanation as to why snow makes people so stoked. Maybe it's the fact that it's rare and only shows up a few times per year but I don't think that's enough of an explanation. People get REALLY stoked and I don't think they wouldn't get that stoked on something just cause it's kinda rare. Maybe it's the way it feels and that you can make things out of it? Everyone enjoys creating things so that could be it? I don't know I'm just throwing things out there and typing while thinking to be honest. Either way my point is that snow is awesome and it agrees with the lens of a camera like nothing else.The shadows created by untouched snow or the contrast of the absence of light inside footprints or ski tracks; The way that fresh snow on the trees can make a mountain look 10 times bigger than usual. I love how after it snows the world looks different entirely and after you think that you've shot every angle of an area snow can turn it into a whole new thing. I went up grouse for the first time a few days ago and took some pictures. It felt like I was relapsing on a drug or something. I immediately was a bagillion times more stoked on shooting and the epicness that this season should bring. Oh and I got a Canon 7D and I'll be shooting video in case I haven't already told you. STOKED! So ya here's the pictures that got me so stoked on snow and mountains and winter and skiing. Expect better but I'm also kinda digging these ones.

And here's the first video with the 7D. It was just a fun little thing, not meant to be good or anything but the good videos will come soon.

First Day at Grouse/First 7D clip from Bill Hawley on Vimeo.

Oh and Check out snowshoevancouver if you want to see some cool photos or you want to go do a snowshoe tour in vancouver at any point. The guy who runs it (Brent Loewen) is a super nice guy and I'm sure he'll make every tour awesome!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Double Take

Do you ever look at something once and think it's crap then look back at it after a while and think it's awesome?

Well The past month I've done that several times with several photos. I wrote off a picture a long time ago as a shot that just didn't compete with the rest of the batch all because it wasn't what my idea of what a good photo was at the exact point in time. After a while of shooting photos and learning new things and getting a completely fresh perspective on what makes a good photo I noticed that that shot that I wrote off months before was actually, in my opinion, one of my top 5 shots.

My idea of what a good shot was didn't come from a theory lesson about the "laws" of photography but instead came from inspiration and my knowledge that breaking the rules can make a much better shot than when you follow them. So pretty much what I'm trying to say, to people who are getting into photography and reading my blog in hopes that maybe someday I might post something educational, is research. Not books about what makes a good photo but other people's work. Brilliant photographer's work. The internet is awesome so use it. Find a photographer who really inspires you and check his or her website or blog every so often to see the progression of their shots. Study their style and pick apart their photos. Try to figure out how it is that they made each of their photos.
And after all that research don't just copy each of their photos but try to apply those techniques to your own shots and improve on what they do. Also try to find multiple photographers so that you end up with a different style or else you will find that it's a challenge to not copy them. You want a unique style but also a style that appeals to the masses, unless you want no one other than yourself to like your photos, so in order to do that you need to learn the regular and then improve upon it. (That part might not have made sense). But either way what I'm trying to say is that I have changed my view on what I want to see in a photo by researching other photographers incessantly and in my opinion it improved my photographing abilities so take my advice or not, I hope it somehow helps.

Here are a few of the pictures that I changed my mind on at second glance:

This one my brother pointed out all the good things about and got me to like so I guess my point doesn't really apply to it. But I still looked back and decided it was awesome.
This is one that I thought was going to be awesome on my camera but then as soon as it got on the computer I decided it sucked. I still thing it sucks.

This is the one that I was originally talking about that I took inspiration for. Check out Chase Jarvis' work and you might see a bit of a resemblance? I'm not sure though.

The last one below I hated because I automatically put it into black and white. The cool thing to me on this one is that I edited it in black and white then just turned it to colour and left it.
So now that that's all said and done let me know what you think of these shots or even let me know if you've had a similar experience. If you have then let me know what it was and I'll probably post it on the blog with your permission.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

New Shots and a Preview of a Rough Shot that will be Perfected

My friend Trevor Robson did an interview of me for his broadcasting media class so I took some shots of him while we were at it. Black and white shot is my friend Shamus and it was taken at the latest Coalition show. You should all check out the Coalition's music right there. They have a new album coming out shortly and i'll be posting an update about it later on. It's gonna be awesome! so the last photo is the preview of a shot i'll be re-doing later in the week. We had very minimal light and it the rider (Jeff Currie) understandably, didn't want to hit the big drop in the dark so we settled for this one. When I get the shot I'll do another post. Hopefully we can get some video footage of it as well. I'm going to do my UVIC weekend post separately in a few minutes. Goodbye for now!