I've been gone for the past 5 days enjoying the snow of Whistler and the Callaghan valley and now I am more than ready to go home and rest my tired, sore body... and then party hard on new years of course! So i'll start with cross country skiing in the callaghan valley. Just a few minutes out of whistler there is one of the coolest places I have ever been in BC. It's a vast landscape filled with deep snow, not too many people and an awesome lodge if you need somewhere to stay. We cross country skiied for 3 hours and right as we thought the trail would never end we came over the last hill to find the Callaghan Lodge. This place was sick! It was a hotel in the middle of a huge valley which offered breakfast, lunch and a 5 course meal...or should I say feast! There was a ping pong table which doubled as a pool table and various other little games that we could use to amuse ourselves in between eating and sleeping. So that was inside the lodge. Outside the lodge there were steep untouched powder valley's just begging to be heli-skied! Next time I go to the valley it will hopefully be by helicopter because it was literally just steep, untouched, wide open, ridges with cornices all over and a huge run out at the bottom!
So after the two days of luxury we headed back down the mountain, taking the steep hard way where there were many crashes but great times none the less. In the parking lot we parted ways with the other skiers who came with us and headed off to whistler.
The first day of skiing on Blackcomb was amazing! What a way to spend christmas day! My brother Fred and I headed up seventh heaven and found some fun little drops and jumps, had our first reminders of the fact that we hadn't broken in our ski legs yet and got some pretty good shots.
Boxing day we took the day off and went shopping. The "HUGE" boxing day "Sales" were pointless because everything was still stupidly expensive and Fred was the only one who bought anything. I really regret taking that day off.
The third day was a pretty standard day. We just had a good day of skiing, then hung out with my friend Cam Hilts later on and walked around the village. Oh! and I got some pictures printed on canvas for my family's condo on Blackcomb.
On the last day I ran into Jordan Manley who is an amazing photographer who's website you should check out: www.jordanmanley.com, said hi and thanked him for helping me out with any obstacles I've come across with my photography and then met up with Kyle Jasper. We took a few runs through the park, took some shots, met up with Tamo Campos and a bunch of other buddies and ended up moving on to lunch back at Glacier Creek. So In the end the day involved a lot of waiting around but in the end somehow ended up being pretty awesome. I skied the last few runs with my family and ended the day on a tired but good note at Blacks restaurant with burgers and some good old Coca-Cola. That night we saw the movie Sherlock Holmes which kicked ass!! Go see it! I'm gonna see it at least one more time!
So that was it for our trip. The next day we packed up and went home early because my Grandpa broke his ankle and had to go down to the hospital in vancouver. I was happy to be home and I'm definitely going to be doing a lot of leg workout so that I can ski for a whole 7 days in row without being dead tired by the end. I guess now all there's left to show are the shots from the trip. Hope you like them!